Uncovering the Facts (Infographic)
Have you ever heard the saying, “Too good to be true”?
That is the case when it comes to the many advertised HVAC deals for residential heating and air conditioning. In Denver, the old, “Buy an A/C for $10,000 and get a free furnace” promotion is, once again, making the rounds.
At Major, we believe in doing things right and part of that is being transparent with homeowners. Over the more than 40 years we have been in business, we have constantly heard about these sorts of deals. But, the bottom line is, they are not a deal. In fact, in some cases those deals cost homeowners more money.
How the “Deal” Works
Here is what happens. Homeowners think they are getting a free furnace when they buy an A/C. But, when you look at the facts, they are not. The deals exist, in part, because they are a better deal for installers as it is easier to replace an A/C unit if the furnace is replaced at the same time.
Most air conditioners are less than $10,000 installed. In some cases, the “deal” is overcharging homeowners for an A/C. And the “free” furnace these deals provide are usually off-market brands that are highly inefficient. These just lead the homeowners down a path of higher heating bills and increased maintenance costs.
How to Use This Information
Before you jump at an advertised deal, take a moment to research what you are getting. Are you truly going to get an efficient system that will meet your needs from both a comfort and energy-saving standpoint? Before you buy, call us at 303-424-1622 or go online to schedule an appointment for a free systems evaluation of your home. We will present you with multiple options that meet your needs as well as inform you of other rebates you can take advantage of that can save you even more.
What other deals have you heard of that seemed too good to be true?