Did you know that under your home or commercial property, there is a source of free and renewable energy that is always on 365 days a year? That is why, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, a geothermal heating and cooling system is, “the most energy-efficient, environmentally clean, and cost-effective space conditioning system available today.”
At Major, we are the most respected geothermal heating and cooling experts in the Rocky Mountain Region. We have installed over 25 million square feet of Geothermal spanning over 1,000 systems. We have successfully procured some of the most comfortable, efficient, and cost effective mechanical systems in Colorado! Our expertise is broad, covering residential, commercial, industrial and institutional. In fact, we have over 50 schools successfully operating under our geothermal design in the United States.
If you are thinking about implementing or have questions about a geothermal heating systems, one of our Geothermal Forensic Specialists and System Forensic Specialists can help you. We will assess and evaluate your property and provide you with a customized geothermal solution. Plus, since we are not dependent any specific brands, your geothermal solution will be just right for you and your needs.
We offer
- Geothermal Heat Pump and installation with efficiencies that exceed 600% for both commerical and residential
- Forensic Evaluations to investigate your geothermal system to help re-mediate failures
- Design / Build Solutions allowing you to work directly with us with no middle man between designer and contractor
- Loop Field Design for geothermal heat exchangers that delivers free, renewable energy 24/7/365
- Controls are behind any great geothermal system, including new building automation technology
- EnviroPlate is a great geothermal option if you have a lake or water source nearby
- SHARC Sewage Heat Recovery is a renewable energy source system that makes use of renewable energy found in our drains
No matter what type of facility or home you are building, Major works with YOU to ensure your system fully meets or exceeds your expectations every time!
Learn more about our approach and experience in:
- Residential Geothermal and our geothermal heating and cooling systems for your home
- Commercial Geothermal and our geothermal heating and cooling systems for your commercial property
Give us a call today if you have any questions about going green with geothermal heating and cooling. We will be more than happy to come out to your property and answer all of your questions.