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Commercial Refrigeration

Commercial Refrigeration Specialists

Do you own and operate a commercial refrigerator for industrial purposes, a retail operation, pharmaceuticals, or maybe even a restaurant chain or brewery operation? Is your commercial refrigeration system having a hard time keeping your product cool enough, costing you a fortune to operate and/or putting your business at risk? Or maybe you own a bar or restaurant and your customers keep complaining about getting served warm beer! Any way you slice it, improper refrigeration is bad for business, bad for your bottom line and, in some cases, can pose a very serious liability for your company!

Trust us; you are not the only business suffering from a failing refrigeration system or in need of an upgrade! To make matters worse, there are unfortunately very few truly qualified refrigeration experts in the Denver area, making it difficult for you to know who to trust with one of the most crucial systems that impact your daily operations.

When your refrigeration system begins to fail, it puts your product at risk and burdens your cash flow because of lost efficiency. Commercial refrigeration is a glorious advancement in today’s society that allows us to have a wide selection of products and keep those products fresh for long periods of time even when transporting over vast distances. Commercial refrigerators are a sensitive system for many business owners and a large investment. Not only is money well spent on proper design and energy-efficient systems, proper operation is also key to keeping your customers happy and saving money in energy costs.

At Major, we have been serving the front range and mountain communities for more than 40 years, and have been specialists in commercial refrigeration in Denver since the refrigerator became common in our markets. We have designed, installed and serviced just about every type of commercial refrigeration system available.

Technologies have certainly changed, however one thing hasn’t, the importance of doing things right, putting our customers first and ensuring our Commercial HVAC Specialists are well trained in refrigeration principals. Whether you are looking for service on your walk-in cooler, looking to design and install a new commercial refrigeration system or expand upon your existing system, Major’s Commercial HVAC Specialists will provide you the solutions you need for your refrigeration systems.

Our Specialties Include:

  • Refrigeration system design, engineering, installation, service and retrofit
  • Refrigeration predictive and preventative maintenance programs and service
  • Commercial and industrial ammonia refrigeration systems and service
  • Ultra-Low temperature cascade refrigeration systems and service
  • Controls and automation strategies (design through commissioning); includes system monitoring and optimization
  • Bulk refrigerant sales, compressor and system lubricants
  • Industrial screw and reciprocating compressor rebuild, service and retrofit
  • Electric motor rebuilds and coupling laser alignments
  • Thermal storage (ice storage) systems for peak demand management systems

Serving Denver for 40 Years

At Major we design and install systems that meet your specific operational needs. We also go further and not only take the time to understand your current needs, but also take into consideration your future growth plans to ensure we can easily accommodate your systems as you grow.

For more than 40 years we have served Denver and Colorado’s refrigeration needs, and have maintained a long list of loyal clients who trust our Commercial HVAC Specialists to maintain, repair, install and service their systems.  Further, by combining our controls, automation and monitoring systems with your refrigeration system, you can sleep easy at night knowing your system is running at maximum efficiency!

NATE Certified

Some of the facility types we have served over the years…

  • Cold storage facilities
  • Food warehousing, processing and freezing
  • Dairies and breweries
  • Ice arenas
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Manufacturing and plating processes
  • Petrochemical and energy industry specialty
  • Specialized refrigeration applications and cascade systems
  • Restaurant and grocery facilities

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to end the atrocities of warm beer and regain control of your refrigeration system or to upgrade that dinosaur groaning at you from the back corner mechanical room! It’s time to save money on energy costs and provide better temperature control of your system.

At Major, we have a reputation for doing things right the first time, and have more than 40 years of experience serving the communities where we reside. Our Commercial HVAC Specialists are all NATE Certified, and well trained and experienced in refrigeration principals. So call us today to schedule your appointment, and explore how you could be saving money and regain control of your system!

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