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Indoor Air Quality Denver

Have you ever wondered about the quality of air in your home?

Did you know that mold, mildew, bacteria, pollen and dust are present in almost every home? These allergens can negatively impact the health and comfort of your family.

The EPA has discovered that indoor levels of air pollutants in your home are in most circumstances much higher than outdoor levels. These increased levels are a result of everyday routines such as cooking, cleaning, and pets. Further, these indoor air pollutants can put your family at risk, while making your home less comfortable and less efficient.

Most often than not, you may not even notice that your home’s indoor air quality is resulting in a reduction in your families health, but if you have a loved one with allergies or asthma, these conditions are likely more than apparent in your home! Take for example one of today’s energy efficient homes.

Did you know in many of these homes your carbon dioxide levels can easily climb to over 1,000 parts per million if air quality mechanisms were not put in place to deal with this? No need to panic though. Major can easily investigate your home’s air conditions by performing a quick-read indoor air analysis. Once the conditions are known, our Comfort Specialists will recommend the proper actions to take to get your air quality under control.

Our Comfort Specialists can analyze the air quality conditions in your home in about 30-60 minutes, and then get right to work addressing the air quality issues that have presented themselves following the analysis.

Our Home Comfort Specialists will take the time to discuss the various indoor air quality options with you and how we can create a cleaner, fresher, and healthier environment for your family’s specific needs.


Issue/Source Symptom Solution
Particle Allergens
Pets, plants, smoke and activities like cooking and cleaning
Known to trigger and worsen asthma and allergy symptoms Air Purifier
Chemical Pollutants
Air fresheners, personal care items, paint, glue, plastics and carpet off-gassing
Nausea and headaches. At high levels, can cause eye irritation Ventilator
Carbon Dioxide
Simple breathing. Burning candles, gas, wood and other combustibles
Drowsiness, poor concentration Ventilator
Carbon Monoxide
Fuel burning devices like furnaces and stoves
CO poisoning-headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, chest pain and confusion CO Alarm 
Relative Humidity
Too much or not enough moisture in the air
Moist Air-
mold and dust mites. Dry Air-
nosebleeds, dry eyes and skin
Dehumidifier or Humidifier
 Mold and Bacteria
Coughing, respiratory issues UV Lamp

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