Major is a Reliable Controls ™ Factory Authorized Dealer, and one of the most respected building automation systems specialists in United States, trusted by corporations such as IKEA and municipalities like Jefferson County, Major insures automation strategies that will certainly take your facility to the next level!
Today’s buildings are becoming increasingly complex. Building automation systems don’t just control the basics, they regulate airflow, monitor energy use and are being called upon to integrate with security, lighting, solar photovoltaic’s and other systems throughout buildings to deliver comfort, safety and energy efficiency, helping you get the most out of your building, now and in the future.
A building automation energy management system will give you more control and access to real time building information and performance data than any other system of its kind. It incorporates open systems technologies of both the building automation and the information technologies industries. The result is a system that integrates all your building equipment, organizes building information in the most logical way, and delivers it where and when you need it. The data obtained can then be used to produce trend analysis and annual consumption forecasts; providing you an opportunity to control energy costs and meet sustainability objectives.
The value of strong energy management as a proxy for overall organizational management is increasingly recognized by financial analysts. The bottom line — good energy management is good business, and adopting an energy management strategy is a business decision you cannot afford to ignore!
At Major we believe in doing things right and building long term relationships with our clients. So what are you waiting for, call us today to inquire about incorporating building automation into your facility!