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Fall To-Dos For Winter Preparation For Your Home

September 2, 2015

Hard to believe, but we are quickly putting summer into our rearview mirror! As we begin to welcome the changing colors of fall and the change of season, it is also a good time in Denver to begin preparing your home for winter to ensure your residential comfort. After all, we typically have beautiful autumns with mild temperatures that make it a nice time to be outside and do those little chores that can make your home even more comfortable during the winter months. Here are some things you can do this fall to help ensure your home comfort.

Test the Furnace

There is never a better time to test out the furnace than in the fall and get it ready for the winter. You do not want to wait until it is freezing to learn you have a problem. As such, we have a great special running this fallget home ready for winter inforgraphic where we will conduct a full furnace system check to provide you with peace of mind. This is also a good time to replace those air filters so you have clean air circulating through your home.

Inspect and Clean Your Gutters

With winter coming, you will want to ensure your gutters are clean and functioning. After all, your gutters carry snow melt off you roof and through your downspout away from you home. If you have a leak or they are clogged, melting water can overflow and deposit in areas near your foundation and do damage to your home, including flooding. So, take a moment to climb up on the roof and take a look and clean out those leaves and test them out by running some water down the gutters.

Seal the Cracks

A great way to save on heating in the winter it to eliminate those drafts coming through the windows. Spend a few hours one of these fall afternoons to ensure all your windows are sealed up. If you can see daylight through any window or door seals, use weather-stripping and caulk to seal up any cracks you find.

Make Sure You have Proper Insulation

Another great way to save on heating bills is to make sure you have proper insulation. This will go a long way to keep you warm in the winter months. If you have not had your insulation inspected in the past 10 years, now would be a good time to have a professional inspect your attic and basement. However, you will want to avoid over insulating as you as too much can inhibit ventilation.

Plant a Tree

Yes, you read this correctly. Early fall is a great time to plant a tree around your house. Doing so can really help save on heating and air conditioning costs. Strategic shading of air conditioner units and shading the east and west windows can help make your home more efficient. Then, simply prune the lower branches to prevent blocking the view. Plus, adding strategically placed trees can help increase your home’s value.

How to Use this Information

Fall is a great time to get ready for winter. At Major, we want to help ensure your comfort. Let us help by inspecting your furnace system and ensure it is ready to go. Call us at 303-424-1622 or schedule an appointment online.

What are other fall maintenance tips you do to prepare for winter?

Trusted Comfort Since 1970

Major Heating & Cooling is a Denver HVAC company providing heating, cooling & geothermal solutions for homes and businesses.