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Time to Get Your Commercial Air Conditioning Ready

March 13, 2015

Believe it or not, cooling season is just around the corner. It is only a few short weeks before Denver patios will light up and our pesky boilers will go into hibernation for the summer. It’s not too soon to get commercial HVAC Denver systems ready as we approach the heat of the summer months.

The obvious question is, “Is your commercial facility ready?”

Nothing is worse than getting to the office in the morning on the first hot day of a Colorado spring only to find out that the air conditioning is not functioning properly. All your tenants are calling to complain that it is too hot and demanding how and when you are going to fix it.

Sound familiar?

Well, don’t worry, Major is here to help you avoid this momentous catastrophe!

At Major we believe in doing things right, and that means that when it comes to the air conditioning cooling season we recommend getting ready well before you plan to fire up the air conditioning system for the first time. Even though it is still technically winter and early spring (in the midst of, what is historically, our most snowy months), we suggest that you take a moment to go through your system now to ensure everything is functioning properly. Chances are after a long hibernation, your commercial HVAC air-conditioning system will need at a minimum some basic maintenance, such as changing filters, servicing the refrigeration system, and to ensure the controls are sequenced accordingly. Below are some basic service measures you can take to minimize your risk for catastrophe, or easier yet you can always call Major and we will take of your system like it was our own!

In addition to basic seasonal maintenance on your commercial HVAC system, maybe this is the time to start looking at ways that you can improve the quality of comfort and efficiency in your building? Is your system costing you more money than it should to operate? Or is not providing the level of comfort that your tenants expect? There are various reasons that a system will not operate efficiently, sometimes it is just age, other times it just needs some good old TLC. Maybe it is not being controlled properly and you should look into investing in new or updated controls or a building automation system to manage your system effectively.

Now might be the right time to upgrade to a more efficient commercial HVAC system. There are a lot of incentives and rebates available through local utilities and the government that you can take advantage of right now to upgrade your system’s efficiency. The most exciting new opportunity, thanks to the Colorado Legislature, is the new Commercial Property-Assessed Clean Energy Program (C-PACE) that goes into effect this April. C-PACE allows commercial property owners to invest in clean energy and efficiency and pay back the loan over a long period of time through the energy savings.

How To Use This Information

It is very important to ensure your commercial HVAC system is ready before that first hot Denver spring day. To make sure your system is ready to go, our Commercial Comfort Specialists will be more than happy to come over to your facility for a systems evaluation that you can schedule online or with a quick call to 303-424-1622. We can also answer any question you may have on available incentives and rebates, including C-PACE. And, to help keep your tenants comfortable all year long, ask about our Facility Comfort Assurance Program.

Are you ready for summer?

Trusted Comfort Since 1970

Major Heating & Cooling is a Denver HVAC company providing heating, cooling & geothermal solutions for homes and businesses.