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Stress Free Home Makeover

October 15, 2015

The holidays are approaching. And, like many of us, you might be welcoming friends and family to your home. So, before that happens, it could be time to declutter and update some things in your home. You don’t need this to overwhelm you, however. So, we at Major (aka your Denver HVAC experts), have four tips for a stress-free home makeover.


Do not try and tackle your entire home in one afternoon. Instead, make a plan. Identify two or three key areas that you would like to clean up before the madness of the holidays hit. And, most importantly, give yourself some reasonable deadlines. Maybe do one space on your hit list each week.

Find Alternative Storage

Closets can be a struggle. When they need cleaned out and purged, their contents can literally fill an entire room leaving you under a layer of 1980s distressed denim jackets. But, we all know that closets function better when not filled to full capacity with wardrobes from last season. So, invest in some large storage boxes that you can fill while purging the closets. Then, you can store the filled boxes under beds, in a corner in the laundry room, garage shelf or in a dry basement.

Think Eye Level

Put the things you will need the most at eye. For the holidays and guests, this could be towels in the linen closet along with sheets and pillows. Leave the upper shelves to things that are used less such as paint cans, off-season purses or the air mattress. Use the bottom shelves for heavy boxes or bulky items, or things that tend to get dirty (like shoes) that you do not want messing up items underneath them.

No Time for a Big Project?

If you have kids, you know that toys can build up. So, use a “one in / one out” strategy when swapping toys in and out of use so you can keep in sync with your storage set up. Also, let’s talk hangers. Get rid of the wire ones that are cluttering your closet and get some slender flocked ones. This will help give your closet a little touch of class as it will greatly improve its appearance.

How to Use This Information

When it comes to your home, it is sometimes the little things that can help you enjoy it more. Hopefully these tips will help you. But, keeping you warm and breathing clean indoor air is an area where we know we can help. Give us a call at 303-424-1622 or schedule online and we will come out make sure your furnace is operating correctly before your company arrives.

Trusted Comfort Since 1970

Major Heating & Cooling is a Denver HVAC company providing heating, cooling & geothermal solutions for homes and businesses.