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Major Superheros and Peach’s Neet Feet

March 26, 2015

At Major, Denver HVAC, we love being a part of the Denver community and serving others in our area. As such, we are thrilled to be part of Peach’s Neet Feet and their Superhero Peach Party. The party will take place on April 18 at the Golden Community Center from 2pm to 5pm.

Peach’s Neet Feet provides hand-painted shoes to kids living with disabilities and fighting serious illnesses. Each shoe is customized to complement each child’s life, interests, and their courageous fight. Each shoe is truly a one-of-kind treasure that conveys the spirit of each child and provides inspiration to them and their families.

At the April party, there will be arts and crafts for the whole family and, perhaps, a superhero or two will swing by. There will be face painting, balloon animal creations and more. Peach’s Neet Feet teams will also help parents fill out shoe applications, get feet measured, as well as help kids come up with art ideas for their personalized shoes. The party is an opportunity for kids and families to connect with each other, the community and meet friends who have shared experiences. Most importantly, the party provides the community an opportunity to get involved in a platform of kindness and celebrating others. It is sure to be a fun and rewarding experience for the entire family. Please RSVP by April 13 to Peach’s Neet Feet at 505-486-9299.

This year, Major is proud to help sponsor the event by providing the venue and art supplies. This is the first time Peach’s Neet Feet has done a party in the Denver area. So, we hope to help them make a big impression.

How To Use This Information
Please take a little time and check out Peach’s Neet Feet’s website. They rely on donations for their great work in families’ lives and you can make donations directly on their website. And, please do join us in Golden on April 18 for this extraordinary event that will be fun for the whole family! Please RSVP at 505-489-9299.


Trusted Comfort Since 1970

Major Heating & Cooling is a Denver HVAC company providing heating, cooling & geothermal solutions for homes and businesses.