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Geothermal Heating and Cooling: USGBC Green Schools Summit

October 30, 2014

We enjoy helping our community, especially when it comes to supporting our schools.  As we specialize in geothermal heating and cooling systems, we are proud to once again sponsor the Green Schools Summit. The Green Schools Summit takes place on Friday, November 14th at the University of Denver. The summit will draw more than 300 attendees focused on designing, building and maintaining 21st Century Schools.

When it comes to geothermal heating and cooling, it is hard to find more efficient renewable energy. That is why we have been involved with more than 50 geothermal heating and cooling systems for schools across the United States and many right here in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Region. We believe that using sustainable practices for schools, including geothermal systems provides a more comfortable learning environment for children and teachers, and saves tax payers money in the long run by lowering and stabilizing energy and operating costs for school facilities. In addition, teaching our children about sustainability leads to a more responsible generation of leaders in our country.

That is why we are proud to continue to sponsor the U.S. Green Building Council and the Green Schools Summit. It is about doing things right for our future generations as well as helping schools become more sustainable by lowering their costs.

How To Use This Information

Geothermal is a very practical and efficient way to heat and cool your home or commercial facility. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, geothermal heating and cooling systems are “the most energy-efficient, environmentally clean, and cost effective space conditioning system available today.” If you have questions about geothermal, call us today at 303-424-1622.

Trusted Comfort Since 1970

Major Heating & Cooling is a Denver HVAC company providing heating, cooling & geothermal solutions for homes and businesses.