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Geothermal Expert Presents at the Pagosa Verde Symposium

September 18, 2015

Geothermal expert on display

In August, our very own geothermal expert, Joel Poppert, had the opportunity to speak and be a geothermal heating panel expert at the Pagosa Springs Verde Symposium. The focus of the symposium was on advancing economic development in rural sections of Colorado with renewable energy and sustainable agriculture. Since 2012, the annual symposium has brought together some of the top experts in renewable energy, alternative energy and sustainable agricultural practices.

Joel Poppert Geothemal ExpertJoel has spent more than a decade in the renewable energy industry. He has spent the past seven years working with stakeholders to increase market penetration of geothermal and clean energy technologies in the United States. He is the former President of the Colorado Geothermal Energy and Heat Pump Association and is currently on the Energy & Natural Resources Subcommittee for the Advanced Accelerator Program, one of Colorado’s largest grant programs for Cleantech related startup companies. Needless to say, Joel knows his stuff and was honored to participate at the symposium.

During the event, Joel spoke on two panels. One panel was on Greenhouse Growing with Alternative Energy. Joel showed attendees how renewable geothermal technologies can be used in agricultural operations.

In a second panel discussion, Joel helped highlight the new Colorado Property Assessed Clean Energy (CoPACE) program that provides incredible financing options for commercial, agriculture and non-profit entities to help meet their sustainability aspirations.

The two-day event was a great success. With renewable energy advocates such as the Pagosa Verde Symposium, Colorado continues to innovate and create standards when it comes to sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. At Major, we are very proud of our involvement and being a resource for education on renewable energy.

How to Use this Information

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has called geothermal the most energy-efficient and clean way to heat and cool your home or facility. If you are considering geothermal, or if you have any questions, call us at 303-424-1622 and speak to one of our experts.

Trusted Comfort Since 1970

Major Heating & Cooling is a Denver HVAC company providing heating, cooling & geothermal solutions for homes and businesses.