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Stress-Free 4th of July

The 4th of July always brings people together for great food, fun, and fireworks. Sometimes, however, planning for Independence Day can get a little stressful. This year, take some time to look over all your options for fun ways to enjoy the 4th, without waiting until the last minute. You might just surprise yourself at…


Planning A Colorado Summer

Summer is upon us, despite the recent Mother’s Day snow in Denver. But, that is Colorado for you, right? While our state does have interesting weather, the fact is we live in a place that is considered a destination to most people. So, as locals, there is no better way to spend a summer than…


Top 5 Items for Spring Cleaning

Spring is here which means warmer and longer days, refreshing rain showers and celebration that winter is waning. And, with spring comes spring cleaning. While most people do not, typically, look forward to spring cleaning, we put together a spring cleaning checklist of the top five things to do to get your home into spring-clean shape. Spring…


Play Ball! Rockies are Back!

The smell of fresh-cut grass. The sound of the crack of the bat. The dramatic dive to snare a line drive. Hot dogs, peanuts and Cracker Jacks. And, it gets hot, so your Denver HVAC companies are busy! Yes, it is that time again when hope springs eternal and we in Colorado turn our attention…


Winter Workout Tips

It is winter. It is cold. So, we understand it when people find it hard to get in that winter workout. So we have some winter workout tips….apart from furnace replacement to keep you warm. Plus, maintaining a healthy workout program in the winter can do several things beyond just keeping you in shape. Working out…


Being Happy in the New Year

We know that the euphoria of the Holidays is now in the past. Some of those New Year’s resolutions you were so optimistic about are now a burden. This is all normal this time of the year. So, how do you ensure you stay happy all year long and be a happier you? If you…


5 Ways to Keep New Year Resolutions From Your HVAC Denver Experts

It is hard to believe that a new year is already upon us! But, the New Year is here and if you are like most people, you have made some New Year resolutions. Even your HVAC Denver experts at Major have made some resolutions. The fact is, more than 40 percent of Americans make New Year…


Denver HVAC Company Suggests Ways to Stay Jolly This Holiday Season

It’s difficult to remain jolly when the Grinch that is holiday stress–the shopping, the parties, the relatives and, of course, the prep involved to get our homes ready for those parties and relatives—add to our already hectic lives. It is our sincere desire at Denver HVAC company Major Heating and Air Conditioning that we all…


6 Tips for Better Time Management

It is a simple truth – we are busier than ever. It is even true here in Denver, despite our “laid back” attitude. Let’s face it, you have work, kids sports games, school commitments and more. Plus, there is always things that need to get done around house (have you checked your Denver HVAC system…