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6 Reasons to Upgrade to a High-Efficiency Furnace

Are you tired of your old furnace, with its constantly increasing energy bills, constantly increasing maintenance, and constantly decreasing ability to heat your house? If so, then you might be considering furnace replacement and wondering whether a high-efficiency furnace is the right next step for you. It could very well be, because high-efficiency furnaces have…


8 Common Early Season Furnace Problems to Be Aware Of

When the cold winds of autumn start to blow, and the overnight temperatures drop, you want to start using your furnace, maybe just a little at first. However, that could be enough to trigger some of the early season problems that keep your furnace from operating properly. Here are some of the common problems that…


11 Tips to Lower Your Heating Bill

When the grip of winter hits, you may love the warmth of your furnace. However, you may not love the shock you get when your heating bill comes every month. There’s good news: there are many easy things you can do to reduce your heating bills this winter. Some are completely free, while others have…


9 Signs Your Furnace Needs to Be Replaced

You may not believe it, but winter is approaching in Colorado. As warm as September was and October promises to be, January will still be cold, and you want to make sure you have a working furnace at that time. At a minimum, that means having a technician come out and service your furnace to…


When Should I Schedule My Fall Furnace Tune Up?

As we start getting the cool nights that signal the coming of fall, you might start wondering, “When should I schedule my fall furnace tune up?” Early fall is the best time to schedule this appointment. Ideally, it should be less than a month before you might want to turn on your furnace, and we’re…


Fall Furnace Maintenance Checklist

Although summer hasn’t released its grip yet, it’s time to start thinking about the fall. In particular, it’s time to start fall maintenance on your furnace. Although there are some fall furnace maintenance steps you can take on your own, there are also some that it’s best to leave to a professional. Professional inspections and…


How Long Do Air Conditioners Last?

A lot of people along the Front Range put their air conditioners to the test during the mid-July heatwave. Denver broke heat records three days in a row, and many other cities set new records for one or two of those days. Some AC units performed admirably, but a lot of other people found themselves…


Pros and Cons of Ductless Air Conditioning

If you are considering your cooling options, whether this is a new system or air conditioning replacement, you should take a serious look at ductless air conditioning. Ductless air conditioning, sometimes called ductless mini splits or heat pumps, is a different approach to air conditioning than we’re used to in the United States, though they’ve…


Why Annual Air Conditioning Servicing Matters

When you’re going through your spring checklist, it’s probably a big list. There’s spring cleaning, planting, and many other items to get ready for the summer. With such a long list, you might be tempted to skip your annual air conditioning service. Don’t do it! There are many great reasons to make sure you’re servicing…